Objective TBI Testing (VNG)

Comprehensive Objective TBI Testing (Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening)

At Hope Neurology, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and specialized care for individuals with neurological conditions. As part of our commitment to delivering the highest standard of diagnostic and treatment options, we offer state-of-the-art VNG (Video Nystagmography) testing services. Our VNG testing is a non-invasive, advanced technology that assesses inner ear and central motor functions, helping to identify and evaluate vestibular disorders and related conditions.

VNG testing, also known as Video Nystagmography, is a specialized diagnostic tool used to assess the function of the inner ear and central motor pathways that control balance and eye movements. It is a painless and non-invasive procedure that measures and records eye movements, allowing our experienced neurologists to evaluate the integrity of the vestibular system.

VNG testing, with its high accuracy rate of over 90%, is widely recognized as the gold standard in diagnosing and assessing vestibular disorders.

VNG Testing Benefits

The Advantages of Comprehensive VNG Testing

Discover how VNG testing enhances diagnosis, treatment, and well-being.

Accurate Diagnosis

Pinpoint the underlying cause with precision and confidence.

Personalized Treatment

Tailor interventions to address your specific vestibular condition.

Objective Assessment

Obtain reliable, measurable data for monitoring progress and effectiveness.

Differentiation of Pathologies

Identify peripheral or central vestibular issues with clarity.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Assess ocular-motor responses, positional testing, and caloric responses holistically.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Regain balance, reduce symptoms, and improve overall well-being.

VNG Testing Procedure

The Hope Neurology's Overview of VNG Testing

Understanding the step-by-step process for accurate vestibular assessment.


Caloric Stimulation

Assessing inner ear function through temperature.


Vestibular Testing

Evaluating inner ear function and balance system.


Positional Testing

Evaluating dizziness and balance in different positions.


Dynamic Assessment

Comprehensive evaluation of vestibular system function.

Happiness Worldwide

Client Reviews

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Susan Croft

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Jake Miller

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Maria Rose

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